Who Can Benefit From Our Lease to Own Program?


If any of the following sound like your situation, take the first step and fill out the application form so that we can help you into home ownership!

Credit Issues

Experiencing credit issues?  Filed a bankruptcy or consumer proposal?  Ran into some late payments due to job loss or divorce?  No problem!  Rent to own provides you an opportunity to get into the home you want to buy today - while giving you the time you need to repair credit issues so you qualify for your mortgage at the end of the lease agreement. As long as you are not currently in bankruptcy or consumer proposal, we can help!

Self employed 

Self-employed people know the challenges they face with declared or predictable income, etc.  Get the time you need to declare the income required to qualify for your own mortgage while you build equity in the home that will eventually be yours.



Don’t wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait.
— Will Rogers, actor




 Divorce doesn’t have to mean that your sentenced to rent forever. We are grateful to have the opportunity to be able to help many people who have gone through a separation, get back on their feet and provide their families with a stable home environment.   Time heals all wounds - and also does wonders for improving credit and building up a bigger down payment.

New to the country

One of the biggest challenges new Canadians face is that they do not have established income.  Rent to own lets you enjoy pride of ownership now and gives you the time needed to establish your credit history.


Don't have enough money saved to get a mortgage

If you don't quite have enough down payment to get a mortgage but are tired of moving and want to start building equity in your own home, let us help.